Why Monthly Facials?

If you want to seriously improve your skin in anyway, monthly facials can make all the difference. Facials offer a way to reduce and manage stress, as well as correcting certain skin conditions. Recieving regular treatments results in noticeable improvements in skins texture and appearance. Facials are result oriented with a relaxing experience. So you get to relax, escape the world, and be beautified all at the same time. It's not just for the face, it's for calming your mind and body as well.  Here's just a few good reasons why you should consider getting routine facials 

First of all, they feel AWESOME; Facial massage is not something that can be easily done by yourself. It's just not the same unless it's someone else doing the massaging. Not only does facial massage feel awesome but has many benefits to the skin and helps tone the muscles underneath. Massage is also great for lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and sinus congestion, and relieving muscle tension and pain. PLUS hot towels/cold compresses, steam, and amazing aromas are just the cherries and whip cream on top. 

“Massage has been shown to decrease blood pressure, reduce stress, relieve pain, relieve swelling and even have an impact on the cellular level.”
Kaye, Kaye, Swinford, Baluch, bawcom, Lanbert & Hoover, 2008

Secondly, facials give a deep cleanse and exfoliation that is necessary for skin cell renewal. Removing dead skin helps the fresh new bright skin come up.  This also helps remove buildup from your pores, reduce breakouts, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and lighten dark spots. Facials can improve skin sensitivities and rosacea. This is something that is hard to get at home unless you really know what you are doing. 

Thirdly, You get professional advice along with your service. Your esthetician is there to guide you through your concerns and skin care problems. They can help figure out what is causing certain issues and help to correct and prevent more problems. We are here to help you figure out what skin care products are best for you and your skin. While you skin does change throughout seasons and throughout life, we are here to help you every step of the way, through all seasons and all ages. We can also let you know about any funky looking moles or spots that should get checked out by dermatologist. 

Here is a simplified list of the benefits of routine facials. 

  • Deep pore cleansing
  • customized exfoliation
  • increases circulation and detoxifies
  • relaxes the senses, nerves, and muscles
  • stimulates skin functions and metabolism
  • improve skin tone and texture
  • slows down premature aging and corrects aging skin
  • treats dryness, oiliness, or redness/sensitivity
  • softens lines and wrinkles
  • clear up blemishes and acne
  • skincare advice and product guidance 

The results: glowing, fresher, brighter, and tighter skin, along with a relaxed and refreshed mind.

It is really a great instant refresher to get you through the next 3 to 4 week until your next facial. 

I will remind you, it takes commitment and patience with your skin. It takes routine facials and time. All results won't happen with just one facial. Just like you won't be fit in just one session at the gym. It also takes good skin care product with good ingredients at home. It takes effort, and determination, and perseverance. 

"Always keep in mind that the skin concern you are trying to correct may have taken several years to develop so we need to be realistic when it comes to achieving real change" Boldijarre Koronczay Founder, Eminence Organic

I have so many busy men and women, and especially moms, in my chair knowing that this is pretty much close to one of their only hours they have to themselves. One hour to get refreshed and beautified. One hour to relax and just be. One hour to vent or one hour of peace. I put everything I have into every facial knowing this is YOUR hour. Not mine. I am here to give you everything you need. Whether that may be a quiet relaxing hour, or a listening ear, or skin care advice. 

So I will leave you with this. Instead of asking facebook or twitter for skin care advice, go to your local esthetcian and get a facial.  Let them look at your skin and really see what is really going on. Take their advice. Take a sweet escape.

And I hope you feel beautiful today. 




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